Y'all I have a day job. It usually doesn't take up so much of my time, but basically everything that can go wrong is going wrong with all of our customers. Cloud of doom and gloom over all of our projects right now.
Beacause of it, I'm spending 10 hours a day in the office getting fires put out and pushing factories to get me what I need. It's been a long month or so.
On top of this, I have a personal life. I mean, I try. I had to cancel plans Saturday to take a day for laundry last week. It had been so long that I ended up washing nearly everthyjng I owned (sans outerwear, sweaters, and dress clothes).
Dont be afraid to take time for yourself. I know life gets hard but sometimes taking a day for some self-care (like laundry) is just what we need. Stress and anxiety takes a toll on our bodies and minds. We have to be aware enough that we can take a knee.
It might be hard now, but it won't be always. We live on roller coasters - just got to enjoy the down time once the uphill battle is over.
UPDATE! I'm in Vogue Italia now. I know. I freaked out, too. Well, I cried. Then I freaked out. Irvin (AKA Graphics Metropolis) is a genius and I love him.
Today, I found a link to an incredible blog post (on Curves & Couture's blog written by Amy Farrugia) that listed me as one of five badass bloggers/models on Instagram. I'm included with Chloe Elliot (@ChloeInCurve_), Olivia Campbell (@CurvyCampbell), Tess Holliday (@TessHolliday), and Essie Golden (@EssieGolden). Links up soon, lovelies.
(I'm sorry I'm two weeks behind posting. I am going to try to get back to weekly.)