Sometimes time gets the best of us. Personally, May-July are really hard months for me. Traumatic events and loss of loved ones come back around each year. Each year I feel like I handle it better than the previous but, it’s all relative, right?
This year was hard. I made it through. I’m feeling the weight of the trauma recede. August brought my birthday and this year is my 30th. Yes, I am 30 years old. I feel like something big needs to happen in my life. I’m not sure what it is yet. I have been making small changes in hopes of them being catalysts.
One small change is my hair style. Friday night, I buzzed my head. Technically, my friend Blaine did it (he’s a hairstylist so no worries). All of the hair from the top of my head - gone.
And now you’re the first to see it.