Yo. This one was ROUGH. But I did some reflection and self esteem boosting. Sometimes we forget how great our lives are because people have what we don’t. Just because someone has something you don’t doesn’t negate the awesome things we do have.
I made a simple list of all the things I provide for myself and that list was lonnnngggggg. Longer than I assumed it would be. It made me realize that there’s no time in our lives to just be complacent with what comes along. Want to see it? Here it is:
I have a great job that I’m really good at.
I have a 401(k).
I have health insurance.
I own a nice car.
I have a cute little apartment that is 7 blocks from the beach.
I pay my own bills.
I own a timeshare.
I have a credit score of over 700.
I have fabulous hobbies - one of which is modeling.
I talk to my family basically daily (they live 1200 miles away).
I have a nephew who thinks I’m the “cool aunt.”
I like dying my hair Rainbow colors so I do it often.
I avoid drama.
I love food.
I’m big into home decor and decorating.
I can use power tools.
I’m educated in music theory and digital media production, as well as marketing and branding.
I am a bit of a sneaker head.
I bought the most comfortable bed last year as a 30th birthday present to myself.
If you’re a single person who is into men, like me, do not let these fools come into your lives and fuck your shit up. You are too damn wonderful to let a crusty ass man get you down. Fuck that.
If you’re a single person living on their own, LOOK AT YOU. Buy yourself a nice plush robe. Get that crockpot. Yes your living room would look bomb with that coffee table. Don’t wait for “something better;” live your best life in your current life.
If you’re working a 9-5 but want something more, don’t forget about it. You’ll get there. You don’t have to give up everything for your dream all at once. You don’t have to *hustle* all the damn time either. Go your own pace and be confident in your movements. Take care of you.
If you have mental illness, DONT LISTEN TO THESE IGNORANT BITCHES TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW TO BE. If someone has never lived with it, they do not know. They need to shut their mouth holes and let you live. You get the help you need from professionals and take care of you. If people in your life make you feel less than because of your mental health, FUCK. THEM. You don’t need that negativity and ableism in your life.