Y'all. I have been keeping this diary for one year. I did a pretty good job, I think. Of 52 weeks, I wrote 40 posts. I mean, that is pretty good, right? For a model with a full-time job?
Well, at least I kept to what I said I would. I have just written about my life, and my experiences. Ranted a few times. Tried to help others a few more times. Shared really great and exciting information with all of you. I know my blog doesn't get a ton of traffic (who wants to read anymore anyway?) but those of you who do read, "thanks."
Any kind of support for your friends and family is important. I know everyone always says monetary support is the best, but it isn't always. Sometimes just reading an article, sharing a photo, pushing "like," or posting "<3" under a photo means the world. Truly. Nothing in this world is free when it comes to business so when friends and family show support in the small, free ways, it helps.
Our world is caught up in making money, being lazy, and posting thirst traps. (If you're reading this and don't know what a thirst trap is, there is a link right here to Urban Dictionary. You're welcome. Come back and finish reading this when you're done.) Our lives should be more than how much money is in the bank, how we can get out of doing any real work, and how many creepy-ass men/women are commenting nasty pervert shit on your photos. Some people would disagree - I don't care. My life is more than that. I want to make a difference in the world and not just by giving money to people.
I recently learned about Saturn's Return. Holy. Fuck. Have you heard about this? Saturn takes about 29 years to make it's way around the Sun once (full orbit), which means it comes back into the position it was in when you were born 29 years later. Well, 29.5-ish. This means when everyone says that the 29th year threw some shit at them, THIS IS WHY. It is a time where big things happen in your life; you change jobs, you find the love of your life, your finances get turned upside down. Sometimes really great things happen, and sometimes really shitty things happen. Mostly, a combo of both get thrown at you. No worries if you get off lucky before your 30th, it happens again right before your 60th! So that's fun....
Some of y'all are probably rolling your eyes at me with this astrology shit, but don't you judge me if you sit there living your life by a book about a guy who happened to be born from a woman who "never had sex." I trust this more than some floating entity. At least I can physically tell when my period gets fucked up by the lunar cycle. Anyway, I believe this is what is happening in my life. Saturn's Return. It makes sense in my life right now. I want something more out of life - I want to change jobs and get married and move into a big house and fix my finances and help other people. I want to come into my own.
This is long and I didn't mean to bring up Saturn's Return but it has been on my mind. A lot has been on my mind. Life is hard, and that's ok. None of us make it out alive.